Diabetes is a very old disease but in today’s era, this disease is affecting millions of people around the world. Countless people are suffering from this disease today. In the United States alone, more than 34 million people suffer from diabetes and an estimated 88 million adults have pre-diabetes – meaning their blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes affects millions of people in India every year. India has the second highest number of diabetes cases in the world. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), more than 77 million Indians are currently living with diabetes and it is estimated that another 40 million people have pre-diabetes. This number is a matter of concern for India. Factors such as lifestyle changes, increasing urbanization and genetic history are responsible for the alarming increase in diabetes in India. But the good news is that the most common type, type 2 diabetes, can be prevented.
In today’s fast-paced world, achieving and maintaining good health has become difficult. The questions of what diet, exercise and where to start to take proper care of your health seem challenging. But by making simple changes to your lifestyle, you can maintain your good health and protect yourself from such diseases. In this article, we will look at 12 essential tips to prevent diabetes and maintain good health.
Table of Contents
12 Essential Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle:
1. Adopt a Healthy Diet & Eat Fiber:
Eat a healthy diet and eat fiber Eating a healthy and balanced diet is the foundation of good health. For this, it is necessary to consume more nutritious foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, proteins and calcium, healthy fats. Fiber is a very important component of the diet. Fiber keeps the stomach full for a long time, fiber helps in digestion and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. For this, it is necessary to eat a diet rich in fiber. Fiber is found in abundance in grains, cereals, green leafy vegetables, beans, pulses, and fruits.
2. Weight Loss: Be Consistent:
Losing weight has become a major goal for many people these days. Many painful and expensive measures are taken for this. But it is always better to make small changes in your daily lifestyle than to follow a strict diet. A healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise also reduce calories and help in weight loss. But this process requires some patience. You have to set realistic goals and give your body time.
3. Exercise Regularly & Be Active
Exercise helps maintain good physical and mental health, so aim to do at least two to three hours of moderate exercise a week. Regular exercise strengthens muscles, increases metabolism, strengthens the heart and helps control weight. Exercise has many other benefits, such as improving mood, reducing stress, improving blood circulation, and improving sleep quality.
4. Drink Water: Stay hydrated:
Keeping the body hydrated is essential for good health. Drinking enough water helps regulate body temperature, aids digestion, and improves kidney function. It is important to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water a day. It is also important to drink water before meals, which helps fill you up and prevents you from overeating.
5. Sufficient and Quality Sleep:
Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, sufficient and quality sleep is also very important. A night’s sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. A good night’s sleep repairs the body and balances hormones. Insufficient sleep invites stress, increases cravings and reduces the ability to make decisions. Plan a restful night’s sleep properly.
6. Keep Managing your Stress:
Prolonged stress can significantly affect your health and invite many diseases such as high blood pressure, mental fatigue and weight gain. It is important to manage long-term stress properly such as meditation, yoga, reading books, deep breathing. These things not only help reduce your stress but also teach you to deal with it.
7. Choose Carbs Carefully:
Simple carbs are found in white bread and sugary foods. They cause blood sugar levels to spike, which can make you feel weak. As an alternative, you can include whole grains, pulses, green leafy vegetables, and legumes in your diet. These are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These carbs provide energy to the body, reduce cravings, and control blood sugar levels.
8. Stable Blood Sugar Level:
Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is important for energy and to avoid cravings. This is especially important for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Avoiding foods high in sugar and refined carbs and getting regular exercise can help keep your blood sugar under control. Also, include foods high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats in your diet.
9. Change Sedentary Lifestyle:
Today, as the world moves forward at a faster pace, physical activity seems to be decreasing. . In today’s advanced era, many people work for a long time sitting at a desk or in a comfortable chair in the office. But this way of working can invite many diseases such as weight gain, uncontrolled blood supply and spinal diseases. As an alternative to this, while working, you should stand up sometimes, take a break, walk around. At other times, it can be useful to take time for walking, cycling. Such small changes in our lifestyle can make a big difference in our health.
10. Control Portion Size:
In today’s fast-paced world, portion size control is also an important part of maintaining a healthy weight. Many times, we ignore portion size. Including too much processed food or healthy foods in our diet can lead to weight gain. You can take small steps to control portion size, such as measuring snacks, using smaller plates for meals, and avoiding snacking. Being aware of your portion size can help you avoid overeating and help you stay under control.
11. Say No to Processed Foods:
Today, we tend to eat fast food, processed foods, packaged snacks or soft sugary drinks. Because these are easily available. But such foods are high in refined sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium, which can cause various health problems like weight gain, inflammation. They contain little nutrition. To maintain good health, the consumption of processed food or junk food should be reduced. Prepare and consume fresh food at home as much as possible. Understanding the importance of good health will make it easier for you to choose foods in your diet.
12. Keep Health Checkup Regularly:
It is important to find solutions to prevent health-related problems before they become too serious. For this, regular health check-ups should be done, and if necessary, some tests can also be done, which will help to identify any problems early and make it easier to resolve them. Along with this, you can discuss with your doctor from time to time and get their proper advice and accordingly, you can make radical changes in your lifestyle.
We cannot live a perfectly healthy lifestyle, but we can certainly live a balanced lifestyle. We can make changes to our lifestyle, be active, prioritize a nutritious diet, and manage stress properly. We can start small to create a lifestyle that is right for us. Be honest with yourself and be aware of your health, before it is too late.
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